It’s time we stopped referring to Facebook as a community. It’s not.

Lee also takes issue with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg referring to a group of 2 billion people as a community. Lee said, “It doesn’t make sense to describe 2 billion people as a community because community is about meaningful human relationships … and you can only have so many of those.”

Facebook can complement, but can’t replace, the roles that family, neighbors, churches and even Little League and bowling leagues fulfill in our lives.

I worry that in a world that is increasingly connected through social media, we are losing social cohesion. This is exacerbated by the tendency many have to travel home from work in a single-occupancy vehicle, pull into a gated community and drive into a two-car garage attached to their home. I fear these same people retreat to their bedrooms and engage with a screen instead of their family or neighbors.

When societies lack meaningful engagement at the community level, we suffer. Be wary of your social media time. We need to create greater and more meaningful social connection in our lives.

Read the full article on Lee’s work on community at the Deseret News.

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