As American citizens we are able to enjoy certain liberties, including the right to a free press. As citizens, we have a responsibility to think critically when reading the news. It is our duty to determine the accuracy of the information presented to us.

So what can we do? Ukrainian journalist Olga Yurkova has a few practical tips for us from her experience fighting against Russia’s fake news empire. She explains the problem simply:

We all know about fake news. We see it and read it all the time. But the thing about fake news is that we don’t always know what is fake and what is real, but we base our decisions on facts we get from the press and social media.

When facts are false, decisions are wrong. A lot of people stop believing anyone at all – and this is even more dangerous. …

Fake news is not only bad for journalism. It’s a threat to democracy and society.

Watch her TED Talk and learn what we can do to sniff out the fake news.

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